
Mole-man blood, when put under a microscope, is made of an intricate system of tunnels that are constantly shifting & changing. In these tunnels miniature mole-men go about their daily tasks, just as the full-sized mole-men do. The only remarkable difference, besides size, between the blood-mole-men & the larger mole-men is a tendency to wear red more often, & the ability to bleed. A non-bleeding mole-man, when his foot or finger is caught on an unusually sharp root, will experience the same pain, the same breaking of skin, but instead of blood, soft music emits from the wound. It is some of the most beautiful music to have ever existed, & blood mole-men are occasionally hunted for their music, which is then performed by orchestras to large crowds of weeping people. Weeping because of beauty, because of the music’s origin in the pain of a living creature, & because of a third thing that no one can quite place. It is thought that this third thing may have something to do with longing, with the overwhelming pain of separation from the one you love.

